Academic Research
ENGINO is a company that has always thrived on research and innovation. In fact, the company was founded as a high-tech start-up and received several rounds of funding from European Union, Cyprus Ministry of Industry and Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation, developing project after project breakthroughs in the field of mechanical toy systems, robotics, software and STEM education. Through cooperation with Universities and renowned Academics, the solutions envisioned by our team to solve problems relating to children's understanding of Science and Technology, have been successfully developed and commercialized, making ENGINO one of the foremost leading companies in the domain of STEM Education.
Over the years, our consistent effort to push the boundaries of research would not have been achieved without the support and help from our own interdisciplinary personnel and our partner Academics who share the vision of inspiring the next generation of Scientists, Engineers and Inventors. In this section, key research projects undertaken by ENGINO are presented, with their main results reflected in research papers and publications as well as in teacher's conferences.
We welcome STEM teachers and Academic researchers from around the world, that would like to expand on this knowledge and carry out their own research using ENGINO technologies to contact us and apply for sponsorship.

Research Projects
At Engino, innovation and exploration are at the heart of everything we do. Our research hub is a testament to our commitment to advancing STEM education and product development. Here, we passionately explore the frontiers of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, turning groundbreaking ideas into tangible solutions that inspire and educate.
Pushing the boundaries of Pedagogical Research...

Articles & Publications
Not all innovations developed by ENGINO can be publicly disclosed due to IP protection, however, to the extent possible the key results of research conducted using ENGINO technologies, are being published in scientific journals and conferences. Mostly, they present evidence on how applying ENGINO technologies and methodologies in the classroom can statistically engage students more effectively, maximizing their learning and leading to the acquisition of 21st century skills.
Research Projects Supporters